Annapurna Base Camp Trek in Nepal

escapehimalayaSep 2nd 2024

Go on an amazing Annapurna Base Camp trek through the stunning Annapurna Region in Nepal. This hike will take you right into the heart of the Himalayas, all the way up to Annapurna Base Camp, which remains at a height of 4,230 meters. You will get to experience different landscapes along the way, from old-style villages to lush rhododendron forests. And of course, you'll be face-to-face with the incredible Annapurna I, standing tall at a breathtaking 8,091 meters.

Start your trek with a mesmerizing sunrise at Ghorepani Poon Hill, then venture on to explore Machhapuchhre Base Camp. Along the way, you'll have the chance to relax and unwind in the natural hot springs at Jhinu Danda. This trek is challenging, but the experiences and views you'll encounter make it all worth it. It's a chance to push yourself and engage yourself in the magic of the Himalayas. So, if you are up for an unforgettable adventure, come join us on this epic journey with Escape Himalaya.

Day 1: Kathmandu to Pokhara - Started  with stunning Lakeside Peace

We started our first day with a fantastic bus ride from Kathmandu to Pokhara. The beautiful journey provided us with breathtaking views of high hills, distant mountains, attractive villages, terraced farming, and running rivers. The joy of the Annapurna Base Camp trek increased as we traveled through this amazing environment.

 Arriving in Pokhara, the "city of lakes" seemed like stepping into a postcard. After a long day of travel, we arrived at the hotel and relaxed. Feeling refreshed, we took an outing along the famous lakeside path where beautiful lights to the house and the performance like fireworks of people to attract the tourists was awesome. The silent atmosphere, beautiful mountain views, and lively local life together for an amazing experience.

Day 2: Pokhara to Tikhe Dhunga (1495m/4905ft) - A Taste of Adventure

Way to Tikhe dunga
Way to Tikhe Dhunga Via Nayapul

Prepare for an incredible day. After an excellent breakfast, we set off on a trek to Tikhe Dhunga. The next trip begins with a scenic drive to Nayapul via Lumle from Pokhara Hotel, which provides beautiful views of rural life in Nepal along the route. The real excitement begins when we arrive in Nayapul and tie up our hiking boots to head to Annapurna Base Camp. We make our first stop at Birethanti after trekking over beautiful slopes and thick bamboo trees along with others. Among the constant motion activity of donkeys transporting products, we take a moment to relax with a cup of tea.

Continuing on our path, we are greeted by a symphony of natural surprises, ranging from flowing waterfalls to terraced fields covered with brilliant vegetables. Prepare for a hard climb through Ranghai, followed by a drop to Tikhedunga, our overnight stop was there. Tikhedunga,  nestled in the mountains, offers a peaceful relaxation, with pleasant guesthouses welcoming tired trekkers. As night falls, we talk about the first day's walking excitement and prepare for tomorrow's journey. With all the meals offered to us, we enjoyed all the distinct flavors of robust Nepali cuisine while enjoying our friends' genuine kindness.

Day 3: Tikhe Dhunga to Ghorepani - Pushing Up and Taking in the Views

Purple flower on the way to Ghore Pani

Flower on the way to Ghore Pani 

We started the day with breakfast and then got our hearts racing with an unstable walk across a cool suspension bridge. Afterward, it was time to climb up some steep stairs, but the climb was worth it because we reached Ulleri, a beautiful village with friendly Magar people.  Imagine, a whole village high up in the mountains.

Did you know some people in Nepal live in houses built right into cliffs?  It was pretty incredible and fascinating to see. Along the way, we were amazed to see that and stopped often to take pictures of the amazing green fields, unique rock houses, and even more amazing mountain views. After crossing a few rivers (they were nice and refreshing.), we reached Nangethanti for a lunch break to gain the energy for the rest of the hike. Our final destination for the day was Ghorepani, another charming village. The whole trek was like walking next to giant mountains, they were so close we could practically touch them. Ghorepani, our lovely overnight home, is 2,850 meters (almost 2 miles) high. The area is well-known for its stunning rhododendron forests, which bloom with bright growth in the spring.  After an enjoyable dinner and possibly some fun dancing at a nearby tea house (to feel energetic.), it was time to rest up for another exciting day of activity tomorrow.

Day 4: Poon Hill Sunrise, Tadapani, and Maybe Some Friendly Pranks

We get ready for an amazing day. We all wake up early to climb Poon Hill at 4: 00 AM sharp, a high spot where we all see the sun come up over the mountains. It was like a beautiful painting in the sky painted by the artist himself. As we climb, keep an eye out for your friends playing around they were joking around or pretending a Yeti is hiding nearby by the bush.

Yeti? According to the locals of that area, "the origin of the word Yeti was not known" but they believe that it originated from the Tibetan Sherpa phrase "yeh-teh", which means "small, man-like animal". Some people say that they have even seen it on the high mountain paths.

After watching the stunning sunrise, we all go back down to Ghorepani for breakfast. The people here are nice and offer us some local tea to warm us up after the cold climb. Feeling energized, we walk to Tadapani, a cute village surrounded by hills and forests. The views along the way were amazing, and we saw colorful birds and monkeys swinging in the trees. When we arrive in Tadapani, we'll check into our guesthouse and rest. The people there love music and fun, so some places there have music and dancing in the evenings. It's a great chance to meet other travelers, tell stories, and learn a bit about Nepali culture. Maybe your friends will even challenge you to a dance-off or teach you some Nepali words.

Bonus: If you are there in spring, the forests will be full of colorful flowers, making your day even more special.

Day 5: Journey from Tadapani to Chhomrong Village

Donkey on the height of Tadapani

Donkey on the height of Tada Pani

We trekked from Tadapani to Chhomrong village, which sat at 2,020 meters (6,625 feet). This scenic journey covered about 8.5 kilometers and took us roughly 5 hours to complete. Descending through lush rhododendron forests, we crossed long suspension bridges and passed terraced fields bursting with grain.

Do you know? Ancient suspension bridges, going back to 1000 BC, were constructed with simple materials such as vines and wood. These early bridges connected villages and trading routes through difficult terrain. As you cross modern suspension bridges on your trek from Tadapani to Chhomrong village, you're walking in the footsteps of ancient engineering marvels. Chhomrong, a village dominated by the Gurung people, welcomed us with its rich traditions. We had the chance to try their delicious food, witnessed captivating dances, and heard traditional music, all offering a glimpse into their unique way of life. Nestled within the Annapurna Sanctuary, Chhomrong boasted incredible panoramas of Machhapuchhre, Hiunchuli, and Annapurna South. It was more than just a stop on the trek, it served as a perfect base for side adventures. We couldn't miss the chance to relax our tired muscles in the natural hot springs of Jhinu Danda, a truly rejuvenating experience. While Chhomrong offered some trekking supplies, it was best to be prepared beforehand. Packing essentials like sunscreen, sunglasses, and gloves ensured a smooth journey on the trail.

Day 6: Monkeys, Mountains, and Meals: Adventures from Chhomrong to Dovan

We left the lovely village of Chhomrong and started a 9-kilometer hike to Dovan, a calm spot nestled 2,600 meters above sea level.  This roughly 6-hour journey was filled with adventure. We began by going down 2,500 stone steps and talking about a leg workout. But each step gave us a stunning view. Then, we crossed an exciting suspension bridge over the rushing Chhomrong River, feeling the wind on our faces.

The path turned rocky, winding through lush forests alive with animals. We kept an eye out for playful monkeys and maybe even spotted the colorful satyr tragopan bird. We took a break at Kuldahar, a pretty place perfect for photos and enjoying the fresh mountain air. Then, we kept going, the path slowly going up until we reached Dovan. Dovan is a peaceful village with cozy places to stay and delicious food. We even tried Nepal's best cuisines like Momo and dhal-bhat(Thakali Khana). After our day of fun, it was the perfect spot to relax and chat about our adventures, like seeing monkeys and crossing that awesome bridge. At night, we gathered around a unique wood heater to warm up and share stories, feeling comfortable and content.

Day 7: Bamboo Bliss and Mountain Marvels: Dovan to Deurali

We said goodbye to Dovan and started a 7.8-kilometer hike to Deurali, a tiny village located at 3,200 meters above sea level. This 5-hour journey was a treat for our senses. The trail took us through enchanting bamboo forests, where the wind played a gentle melody through the leaves. Rhododendron bushes added bursts of color to the mountain scenery, and we kept our eyes peeled for birds and mountain animals. We passed interesting spots like the Himalayan Hotel, a resting place for tired trekkers, and the mysterious Hinku Cave, sparking our imaginations.

Finally, we arrived in Deurali, nestled among towering Himalayan peaks. Guesthouses welcomed us, offering comfy beds and tasty meals. Deurali's real magic unfolded as we gazed at the breathtaking view of the Annapurna range. The snow-capped peaks left us speechless. As we shared stories and soaked in the scenery, the rustling bamboo provided a calming backdrop. Deurali was the perfect place to relax and get ready for more adventures ahead. Note: Be prepared for heavy winds along the trek, which may cause cold weather conditions. It's important to wear warm clothes, bring blankets, and use sleeping bags to stay warm and comfortable. Prioritize your safety by checking the weather forecast before embarking on your trek, and be aware of potential avalanche risks in the area.

Day 8: A Majestic Journey to Annapurna Base Camp

ABC prak
Majestic view of Annapurna South

On this day, we finally reached our destination, Annapurna Base Camp (4,230m/13,550ft), via Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3,712m/12,178ft). The trek treated us to breathtaking views of Machhapuchhre, Hiunchuli, Annapurna, and Gangapurna as we hiked alongside the rocky trail by the riverbank. The Annapurna massif showcased its splendor as we journeyed through the forest and passed Machhapuchhre Base Camp, offering a stunning glimpse of the majestic mountain range. It was awe-inspiring to behold Annapurna I, the tenth-highest peak in the world, towering above us. Upon arrival, we settled into a cozy guesthouse for the night, reflecting on the incredible journey so far. We cherished the special moments we experienced while indulging in the wholesome meals served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. From the untouched peak of Machhapuchhre to the highest tea house at Machhapuchhre Base Camp, every aspect of our trek was extraordinary and enlightening. As we rested and recuperated, we kept in mind that Annapurna Base Camp marks the beginning of many thrilling treks and expeditions in the region.

While Annapurna Base Camp marks a big accomplishment, it's also a gateway to even more adventures in the Annapurna region. Who knows, maybe next time we'll explore further. For now, though, it was time to rest, recharge, and soak in the feeling of reaching this incredible destination. Important Note: Remember, this part of the trek is at a high altitude. It's important to walk slowly and enjoy the scenery, don't rush. Take breaks often and listen to your body. This will help you avoid altitude sickness and make the most of this incredible experience.

Day 9: Farewell to the Mountains, Hello Bamboo

Today was all about descent and reflection. Bidding farewell to the majestic peaks of Annapurna Base Camp, we embarked on a roughly 18-kilometer trek down to the village of Bamboo, nestled at a comfortable 2,310 meters (7,575 feet). The 7-hour journey followed the Modi Khola River back down the valley. The air grew warmer as we descended, and the scenery transformed. We reveled in the diverse landscapes, from the towering mountains to the lush valleys teeming with life.

Reaching Bamboo felt like a homecoming. These traditional tea houses offered a warm welcome and a chance to truly appreciate the challenges we'd overcome and the victories we'd achieved on this incredible trek. After having a delicious dinner, we shared stories and discussed our time at Annapurna Base Camp. The awe-inspiring sights and the unforgettable experiences will forever be etched in our memories. As we drifted off to sleep, a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment filled us. The trek might be over, but the charm of this adventure would stay with us forever.

Day 10: Soaking Up the Fun (and the Hot Springs) at Jhinu Danda

Sheeps in the way to Jhiny Danda

Sheep on the way to MBC

Our final day on the trek was all about relaxation and fun. We followed the Khuldigar trail back towards Chomrong, and guess what we saw along the way? A giant sheep farm with fluffy white sheep everywhere guarded by two mountain dogs, we even managed to try to pet the sheep and race each other around the field. The trail then descended through a breathtaking display of rhododendrons. These colorful bushes, with blooms of red, yellow, and white, painted the mountainside in a vibrant palette. Finally, we reached our destination for the night: Jhinu Danda. This charming village is famous for its natural hot springs, the perfect way to soothe our tired muscles after days of trekking.

The hot springs offered something for everyone. There were pools with varying temperatures, some reaching point 50°C (122°F). Always test the water before diving in if you don't want it to be too hot. For those who preferred a cooler option, there was also a refreshing waterfall nearby. We spent the afternoon switching between the warm springs and the cool waterfall, feeling refreshed and relaxed. With full bellies and relaxed muscles, we reminisced about our incredible adventure on the Annapurna Base Camp trek. This final night was the perfect way to unwind and prepare for our journey. Important Note: Remember, even though you're descending, altitude sickness can still occur if you do not follow the proper guide instructions and rush up. Take your time and walk slowly.

Day 11: Back to Pokhara - Celebrating Our Epic Adventure

Today marked the official end of our Annapurna Base Camp trek. With sore muscles but happy hearts, we embarked on the final leg of our journey, the trek back to Pokhara. Following the familiar trail alongside the Modi Khola River, we retraced our steps towards civilization. Passing through the charming villages of Matke and Siwai brought back a flood of memories from our adventure. We reminisced about the challenges we'd overcome, the breathtaking scenery we'd witnessed, and the new friendships we'd forged along the way. Saying goodbye to the tranquility of the mountains, we boarded a vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive back to Pokhara, the bustling city where our adventure began.

Back in Pokhara, we checked into a comfortable hotel, a welcome relief after days of camping. This final night was dedicated to celebrating our accomplishments. We reveled in shared stories and laughter, replaying the highlights of our incredible trek. A delicious breakfast and lunch were included in our accommodation, allowing us to savor the last moments of our Himalayan adventure. As we prepared to leave Pokhara, a sense of achievement and a deep appreciation for the beauty of the Annapurna region filled us. This trek was more than just a hike, it was a journey of self-discovery, pushing our limits, and experiencing the magic of the Himalayas firsthand. Note: You can return to the Kathmandu on the other day or stay at the Pokhara for some days for extra sightseeing if you want.

Top 9 Surprising Facts

During our Annapurna Base Camp trek, we get to know some interesting and surprising facts about the region and the trail itself.

  • Among the 10th tallest mountains in the world, Mount Annapurna I, rising to the height of 8091 meters and lies in the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) area, which is among the most challenging mountains to climb. From the base camp, Mount Annapurna's gigantic size can be seen.
  • Different movies and short films have used Machhapuchhre's stunning peak as a background, particularly the 1999 Hollywood production "Vertical Limit."  The mountain gains even more notoriety after being shown on a large screen.
  • There are different sayings concerning Machhapuchhre's glaciers and underground caves. Some legends describe a fabled lake that is hidden away high on the mountain and is watched over by spirit(ghost) beings. These are still unverified, but they heighten the mystery surrounding the mountain.
  • The mountain is named "Macchhapuchhre" meaning Fish's tail in Nepali. The Gurung society named the peak as it looks like a Fish's tail from some particular angles.
  • The first and biggest protected area in Nepal, the Annapurna Conservation Area covers an unbelievable 7,629 sq. kilometers over four districts. Its boundaries include beautiful valleys, soaring cliffs, charming villages, and active towns. 
  • The natural hot springs in Jhinu Danda have different temperatures, some pools are as hot as 50°C (122°F). Make sure the water is at a comfortable temperature for you before diving in. In case you'd want something colder, a nearby waterfall is also an option. After feeling the warmth of the hot springs, cool down in its cold waters.
  • Annapurna Base Camp is located to the west of Mardi Himal and east of Poon Hill.
  • Machhapuchhre has never been climbed to its peak. Climbing the mountain has been prohibited since the late 1950s out by the Nepali government of respect for the beliefs of the local Gurung people and to preserve its holiness. It is considered a sacred mountain, and many believe that trying to climb it would anger the mountain gods.
  • The Annapurna region people still talk about the Yeti, a creature like an ape that's part of stories. They believe that it lives in the Himalayas, but no one is sure. Some locals even say they have seen it while climbing the Himalayas, which makes it even more mysterious.

escapehimalayaSep 2nd 2024

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